Exchange Calculator

by tomosware

Travel & Local


Travel should tasty and easy.nAs to currency, nleave it to Exchange Calculator.

Exchange Calculator provides real-time currency exchange and calculation.Want to know the real price of soda drinks in your own currency? Enter the number, get the result! Done!Exchange rates could be customized. Also OFF/TAX/TIP buttons are equipped.Max to 4 rows for displaying converted numbers with up-to-date exchange rates.Exchange Calculator is a handy tool you must have in your travel and online shopping.Just download and try it out. Youll find life and travel become better and easier !Version 1.0.6:1. Upgrade transfer protocol to https.2. Adjust the behavior of TIP button as TAX button performs.3. Change the color of radio button to select rate type. Make these buttons more easily to be identified.4. Now Swap/Tax/Tip/Off button has touch effect tied on. You will obviously notice that button been pressed.5. Update app icon to fit latest Android guideline.6. Change default TAX rate to 10%. Japan will increase its consumer tax to 10% as well.7. Some minor bugs fixed.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

US, Eur, Can fantastic. But I also needed Mex and Turkey. If they were added I would add more stars.

Grant Wilson


Juthathip Juengjaroennosuk